Writing Coach Services

Fellow writers! Need an unbiased, professional opinion on your manuscript? Getting stuck in your outline? Worried that your “strong female character” is going to be picked apart on Twitter?

I offer fair, professional writing coach services at every stage of novel completion, from brainstorming ideas to polishing the final draft. See below for details.

Note: I specialize in science fiction and fantasy genres for young adult and adult audiences. No children’s books, nonfiction or memoirs, please.

Contact me.

If you’d like to ask about any of my writing coach or manuscript critique services, contact me below and I’ll respond as soon as I’m able. (Typically 1-2 days.)




One 30-minute session

Every session you book with me (over Zoom or phone) is set at $50, and is approximately thirty minutes, sometimes a little longer.

This is non-negotiable.

What is negotiable is the number of sessions you book, as every author has different needs.


If you already have a work in progress and just want me to look it over to give honest feedback, I can do that, too. I will read your entire MS and send you detailed notes, both in the margins (comments section) of the story itself and a 4+ page critique on character, worldbuilding, plot, and misc.

Manuscript critiques are not charged by session, as sessions are not necessarily required. Instead they’re charged three quarters of a penny per word. So your quote will be [your word count] x .0075.

Manuscript Critique:

No session required, charge per word


Free Sample

One 15-Minute Session

If you want to see if we’d work well together without bringing out your wallet, or you just want to do an introduction before we get down to business, we can do a short 15-minute session for free.


Patreon Discount

$50+ Tier patrons get 10% off all coaching sessions.

For “Manuscript Critiques,” it’s 20% off total price.

Subscribe to my newsletter.

Sign up with your email address to receive news, updates, and any upcoming deals on manuscript critiques.

Vol 2 Cover

“I cannot express enough just how grateful I am for Christina's thoughtful feedback on Aldous Spark and The Feast of The Unspoiled.

Not only does Christina possess a formidable knowledge of genre fiction, its tropes, and how to subvert them, but she's an accomplished writer as well. As such, she has a solid grasp on the foundations of drama. She is able to provide granular feedback, scene-by-scene, and pinpoint elements of action or dialog in a draft that aren't serving the story.

As a reader and script analyst, Christina approaches a script with empathy and a high level of engagement. She's inclusive and thoughtful when it comes to the reader's experience and is capable of advocating on their behalf BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Because of this her perspective is an invaluable resource to writers seeking to engage and retain diverse audiences.

Because of her empathy, engagement and expansive narrative vocabulary, Christina is able to identify and challenge the weaknesses of a draft and provide meaningful suggestions with respect to dialog, character, story and plot.

Simply put: she makes stories better.

I'll certainly be seeking her feedback early and often on future books.”

— Peter Miriani, creator of the Aldous Spark graphic novel series

To get started, send me an email with your name, pseudonym (if you’re using one), what your manuscript is about, and what—if any—specific issues you’d like me to look for.


